Monday, 29 April 2019

Term Inquiry Presentation

On the 12th of April we had our Inquiry presentation day. On this day lots of parents came to see what all we have learnt in Term 1 of 2019. We were learning about All About Me and then moved further on to how we relate to Glen Innes Community by listing and learning about some of our  landmarks.

As a class we brainstormed our individual landmarks. We looked at what, where, why, who, when, how and few other related questions when we were researching about our individual landmarks. Then the teacher collated all our research and figured out that there are 6 common landmarks Room 8 children were very keen to learn and research about.

The 6 common landmarks included Pak & Save, McDonalds, KFC, Glen Innes Police Station, Te Oro and Pizza Hut.

Our presentation was about - All About Me... where we had to learn to introduce ourselves in Maori "Our Mihi". We also did a booklet for our Mihi. Our teacher recorded us saying our Mihi too. It was bit challenging saying our Mihi in Maori but at the same time we had fun too.

As for our landmark we made little videos and collated all our research to display what all we have learnt. Apart from research we either painted or made a model of our 6 landmarks. It was up to the group what they wanted to do. We also did Unity in Diversity model since in Glen Innes there are lots of different cultures of people living in harmony.

Below is a video to show how our presentation day went.

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

Our Rainbow Bracelets - Writing

It was one of the best days in my writing lesson.

Last last week my class and my teacher made bracelets we made it at school on Thursday.

We used elastics bands and took it to our table to make it. We had colorful beads. We had 20 small size beads, 10 medium size beads and one big size bead.

We put on our elastic bands and Miss Kumar took photos of us wearing our bracelets. We displayed our bracelets on the class wall. It looks very attractive. We also made a video and uploaded it on our class blog so people who go on our blog get to see what we are doing in class.

We felt excited, proud and happy because Miss Kumar showed us what to do so we can copy her. She also said that we will be taking the bracelets home to show it to our parents.  

By: Nevaya, Cassia & Tavita

Our Rainbow Bracelets

On Thursday we made some rainbow bracelets. Mrs Kumar called us one by one and measured our wrist. After Mrs Kumar measured our wrist she told us to take 20 small colourful beads and 15 medium size colourful beads. Then Mrs Kumar told us to take it to our table

We asked for help to start our bracelets because when we put on our beads on it kept on coming off. So we asked three people to help so we can finish our bracelets.

First, we made a knot at the end of the bracelet elastic band. Next we put the beads on the bracelet but first we had to think how to thread our bracelets. When we thought how to thread our bracelets we all made different kinds of them. It was fun making a pattern.

Lastly we had to tie a knot at the end of the string and then we put it on our wrist and Mrs Kumar took photos of us with our bracelets. We felt very happy that we made the bracelets because we have not made a rainbow bracelets in school before.

By: Damani, Mokoia, Ahou, ELoida