Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Looking Out the Window


No one wants to feel sad and alone.   So spread a little kindness as it goes a long way and brighten each others day.  Include others in your play, learning and daily life by treating everyone equally.  It's always a nice feeling to love and to be loved.


  1. Kia ora
    Glen innes school i really enjoyed watching your manaiakalani film vestival film .My favourite thing about your film was how you saw a little boy by himself and someone came to cheer him up . I have cheered someone up before as well . Keep up the good work .

    1. Kia Ora and Thank you Liane for posting your comment. We know it's a nice feeling to cheer someone up. I wish we all are always positive and look after each other, one way or the other to make this world a better place.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. i really like your comment. have a good day by

    4. Thank you Legin for leaving a comment.

  2. Hello, My name is Faith. I liked your movie because
    it had animal costumes.

    1. Hi Faith, I am glad you liked our movie. We as a class were so lucky to bring costumes from home which meant we saved money by not hiring any costumes. Which animal character is your favourite Faith?

  3. hello my name is meliame I am from pt England school I liked the way the England students were in your a lovely film festival was so all seem their costume it was funny but I liked how you made a graet job in your moive Iloved it buy

  4. Hello my name is Leata From Pt England school.
    Your movie was funny and it was fun.I wish I Can
    Be like you at the school. your movie is so awesome to Watch. Where did you get these costumes?
    Thank you for showing your movie.

  5. Hello my name is Kisa I am from pt England school. I love your movie Because it was cool.My favourite part was when the little boy tricked the boy that was sick. He thought it was animals playing out his window. How did you choose your costumes? thank you for letting me watch your movie from kisa.

  6. Hi my name is Naomi i’m from point England school. I like your costumes did you make it or did you By it? Your acting was so confident Thank you for sharing your movie

  7. Hello Room 8 children.

    The children in Room 18 from Pt. England School loved your movie. It had a beautiful story showing us how to look after each other in sad times. You are such a good friend. An awesome movie!

  8. hi my name is bentley I like your movie because it got the Detail in it

    good jod

  9. Hi my name is Taisha I go to pt England school I like your movie it was fantastic because you were helping sick person feel happy you guys had amazing costumes I liked when the panda came where did you get you costumes form? Thank you for making this movie for us.

  10. hi I like your movie because the funny costumes.

  11. Hi Rm 8
    This is Room 6 from St Patrick's School. We loved the story who was very sick and all the animals who tried to cheer him up. We learned how important it is to friends especially when someone is sick. How did you make those animal noises and the laughing?

  12. Greetings Room 8

    My name is Nevaeh and I'm from Pt England School, I like really like what you have done for your Manaiakalani is really enjoyable to watch. Keep up with the good work.

  13. well room 8 you dun this blog post very well

  14. Kia ora Room 8 i love your video you made it was awesome I love how you guys dress up like some animals it was so fun to watch your movie.

  15. HI room8 this is Polini and I like how you made a movie about a boy being sick and his friend's were wearing some nice costumes to make his friend feel happy

  16. hi my name is Irene the way you did your movie was lovely and creative and clever to it was so incredible watching you movie

  17. Hey! Rm 8 My name is Luisa and I come from Pt England School, I am a year 6 and also in rm 6 as well! I really like when the animals were helping! it was also an amazing movie, keep it up!

    From Luisa

  18. Hi Rm 8, My name is Lynette From Pt England School and I thought that your movie was so creative because of all your PJ's and cool a stuff you had.

  19. hi room 8 my name is Luisa and I come from glen innes school. I loved your movie it was really funny and also very superb.

  20. Kia ora my name is Angel from room 10 at GIP. I really liked
    you movie because it shows how someone is being nice to their best friend. I also have best friends who are sometimes nice or mean. How many friends do you have?

  21. Hi my name is Iva. I love your clothes that you chose for your characters.

  22. Hi my name is Hope,
    I really like how you talked about being kind to others in a funny way and i really like how you made the script rhyme

  23. I like your movie of looking at the mirror cause he saw a animal and the kid was happy and he realize they were the animal saw on the mirror.

  24. hi room 8 my name is snowlee our movie was great and cool .

  25. Hi this is Eloida from GIP. I really like how the acting was and it was really fun. It was really fun doing it and it was really funny. I was happy because our movie was selected and we got to go to it at night time and me and my friend Ilaise said the speech for our movie!

  26. I like your video room 8 it relays a wonderful message for us all.

  27. Fakalofa Lahi Atu room 8 I like how you acted. It looked real. It's was wonderful and superb movie. You should be proud of yourself. Thank you.

  28. Hi room 8 I like the video because it had heaps of different kinds of animals.

    Keep up the Good Work

  29. Hi room 8 it's Pippa I am proud because I was the pearson talking and I thing it turned out nice.

  30. Kia room 8 My name is Adhitya our movie was superb and interesting. I liked our movie that we acted in Look at the window.
    By: Adhitya
    Room: 8

  31. Hi room8 I Love how Some of yous
    dress up as a animal.

    Keep up the good work

  32. Hi everyone my my name is christian from room 8 I loved how we tried our best and we worked hard I fell incredible.

  33. Kia ora Room 8 I Really enjoyed watching your video it was so fun My favorite animals was the panda and the penguin

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Hi room 8 I like how you were putting on funny costumes you all were so brave your minikalani movie was hillireous.

  36. i like my class's film because it was funny. it looked so pretty

  37. Hi my name is Sunita in Room 8 at Glen Innes School and I really enjoyed RM8 own MOVIE it was fun and awesome.

  38. kia ora room8 i am damani i love how you all were wearing funny costumes your movie was hilarious.

  39. Kia ora room 8 Ko Milan toku ingoa I like the way you guys have a big Imagination but where did you get the idea from?

  40. Hi G.I.S I think this movie was so funny that I want to watch it again. How did you do the spooky voices ?

  41. i have no idea what this video means but i still like it can you tell me what the story was about im completely pointless? but i loved your video

  42. HI guys very cool film is it cool to be friends?

  43. Hi GIS I really liked your film.What was your favorite part about all of the film?

  44. I would sleep all day ,when I will wake up i would look out he window.What were you scared of the movie?

  45. I like your movie because he see on at the window and he realize the student were on the window

  46. Malo e lelei, Room 8 I love your movie because it is when friends that try to cheer up another friend. My class has made a movie about friends and friendship. Have you made a movie about something funny.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hi my name is lsiah I form glen innes and my is Room 10 i love what you did room 8 i love you pouring movie characters.

  49. Talofa lava Room 8 my name is Zoe and I got to Point England school. I really like your video about Looking out the window. It was so funny how he thought that it was random people but when he went to his friends and told them about it. His friends were laughing because it was actually them pranking him. Keep it up Room 8 I loved and enjoyed your video.

  50. Hello My name is Cassius i go to point England school. i really enjoyed your movie because it was funny the kid was very confused because he was seeing very weird stuff out his favourite part was when the girl in the cat costume was wearing a nappie. It was also funny because he found out that his friends were pranked him. Thank you for your great movie i really enjoyed it.

  51. Hey room 8 my name is Kingston and I go to Pt England school. Hey that was an awesome movie you guys did. The funny part is when the cat came with a nappy or what ever its called. I love your guys movie I'm going to rate this 10/10 keep up the great work.

  52. Kia ora room 8 this is storm from ruapotaka school here , this movie that yous have made is so kind. What made you think about this idea?

  53. My name is Eloida,

    Hi storm the way to think about this video we watched a movie about a sick boy that he can't move at all. Then we got customs and from our house and brought it to our house. Then we practiced for a little bit and practised on our acting!

  54. Talo lava room 8. It's Kaltee from room 10.
    I like how you guss reacted and the pet
    made you feel happy.

  55. I love how Rm8 did there video that was so funny your video was AMAZING when sunita was wearing a nappy I love your guys is costume it looks so good beautiful

  56. HI my name is polini and I like how yous made the sick man better from your costumes.

  57. Kia ora, room8 this Finau From room9 I like how yous did looking out the window and The reason why I like it because it has lots of detail and it has lots of kids that were not shy to make a movie that everyone is going see it in the hoyts cinemas and even if the did not do it right unless they tried their best to do it and how Eloida tried to jump without anything bouncy and I like how they all tried to bring the stuff that you told them to bring and I like Yous put lots of effort in it and I want say that it is really awesome.

  58. Hi Room 8 It Nevaya. I thought it was so fun and
    so funny

  59. Kia,ora Room8 Room9 loves to look at rm8 video it look so great lots of kids loves your video the costume look really beautiful its so funny how sunita was wearing the nappy when i saw that i was laughing at it and at the first lots of us were laughing i love to watch this video.

  60. Kia ora room 8,I like how all of then were in the movie. I also liked how everyone were wearing their pj's,it was funny how jessie was wearing sunglasses and nevaya had a panda head on. The funny thing was when sunita was wearing a nappy and blowing a balloon. Good job keep and making more movies. GOOD JOB!
