Monday 20 May 2019

Jelly Bean Music

Today we had Jelly Bean Music Lesson.

Once we said Good Morning to Mrs White and Ms Ruth we sang:

Twinkle, Twinkle Vegemite,On the sandwich brown and white.

If you turn it upside down,
It will make the carpet brown.
Twinkle, Twinkle Vegemite.
I’m o.k and you’re alright! .........

(there is more to this song)

The main note we were learning was "B".
We also played the triangle, castanets, drums and tambourine on the song Overtune from "Carmen".

At end of the session we played our air guitar where we pretended we were playing with our guitar on the song - To the Air Guitar.


  1. Hi Room 8
    We liked your song about the Vegemite sandwich because we could sing the lyrics to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle" and we thought it was great and funny.
    We were wondering where you got your instruments from and the idea to sing about Vegemite?
    Do Mrs White and Ms Ruth work at your school or did they come to give you special lessons during music time? You are so lucky because we haven't done anything like this before.

  2. Hello! Why is it called Jelly Bean music? Is it called Jelly Bean music because you eat Jelly Beans when you sing Vegemite? I really LOVE the song because it's funny and how did you get the idea to sing about Vegemite on a sandwich?

  3. Dear room 8
    I loved your post about twinkle twinkle vegemite. Are Ms white and Ms Ruff from your school or are they from outside your school? Was your lesson in a hall or somewhere else? Where did you get that song from? Did you make it up yourselves?

  4. Hi room 8
    We were very interested in your jelly bean music. We think it is really cool because you made a song with your own words. Also were did you get all of this amazing equipment?

  5. Hi room 8
    We all enjoyed your song and we even sang it to the twinkle twinkle tune.One of us didn't know what was Vegimite. How did you get the idea of singing that song. guys are awesome.

  6. Hi room 8 you are so clever and I like the song. How did you start your jelly bean and did everyone get a jelly bean? Did miss White teach you a lot of things?

  7. Hi Room 8 was it fun singing twinkle twinkle Vegemite? What other songs did you sing with the instruments you had? What instrument are you best at playing? Why is it called jellybean music if you did not use any jellybeans?

  8. Good morning room 8. I have bean going on your blog and I saw the Jelly Bean Music. Room 8 what is your favorite song? What about the Jelly Bean Music. My favorite one is that when it says Twinkle Twinkle vegemite,on the sandwich brown and white...

  9. Dear room 8 I like your song cause its looks like you were learning lots of stuff about song and music and I love singing.

    by Alex.

  10. Hello Room 8, your Jelly bean music sounded pretty nice. My class has not done music for a long time. What was your favourite instrument?

  11. Hi Room 8. I love the song twinkle twinkle is wonderful! How did you think of it?

  12. Hi room 8 I love your jelly bean music and I was wondering if it was fun?
    What was your favourite instrument, mine was the drums...

  13. Dear Room 8 we loved your song and we like your xylophone picture and other musical instruments. My favourite instrument is the xylophone. Thankyou for sharing your lesson.

  14. Nice song room 8 and very creative too! We sang the song in class and we enjoyed it. I thought it was a little bit funny and silly at the same time. I wonder if you're going to make another silly and funny song.


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