Tuesday 2 July 2019

Google Maps

Google Maps - fun to explore. helps us to find lots of places. Please have a go at Google Maps and lets see if you can find your house.


  1. Malo e lele, we enjoyed locating Glen Innes School on Google Maps and then writing about it. Did you have fun looking at out Glen Innes School on the maps?

  2. ola ilm I like your storyboard because you are my friend this is my feedback
    hop you have a great day today later ilm.

  3. Talofa lava, my name is Tavita from Glen Innes School. I like the map Ilm did and I like what Ilm wrote about it. Where did you go to take a photo of it the map?

  4. Talofa lava, my name is Alefaio and I want to say that I like how Mokoia and Ahou put lots of effort in your google my map on google drawing and your guys picture is good and your writing too.

  5. Fakalofa Lahi atu , I really like all off these locating for school it looks really awesome and i hope you enjoyed it to.


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