Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Jelly Bean Music

Today it was our first Jelly Bean Music lesson. We had Ms Rusa who is from Japan to teach us. She did some warm-up singing and dancing on the Banana song. Then she introduced us to some music notes. After that, she gave us the instruments such as triangles, tumbarine, castanets, and drums to play on. She then introduced us to Liberty Bell's song. It was fun on the first day of the Jelly Bean session.

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

My Mask

The best mask I have ever made.

On Monday 25th of May 2020, I made a paper towel mask. Mask is something which people wear to cover their full face or part of their face. People wear masks to protect themselves from viruses or airborne diseases.

Our teacher taught us how to make a mask by using a paper towel, rubber bands, and a stapler. First you have to fold the paper towel like a fan. Second, you have to fold the sides of the mask. Third, you have to put the two rubber bands on the sides. Fourth you have to staple it.

When you're done making your mask you can wear it or either give it to your siblings to wear. You can teach your siblings how to make it and you don't have to buy one. When I made the mask I was like how can you make a mask by using paper towels, a rubber band, and a stapler. But I felt excited when we were going to make it. When I saw my completed mask I felt like showing it to my parents as I was so amazed myself.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Coronavirus Poems


Coronavirus Poem

Stay home,
stay safe.       

 If you are sick,
See the doctors.

Stay away from people,
 Walking and people talking.

Stay strong, stay safe,
Stay at home and be great.

Listen to the rules 
And do them right.

Be a hero, 
And hold on tight.

By:Pippa & Nevaya

  Coronavirus Poem

Always wash your hands before you eat.

Stay 2 metres away from each other. 

Stay away from sick people. 

Always cough on your elbow, not your hands. 

Wear a mask when you go outside.

When you're done in the toilet wash your hands and dry them.

If you're not well you can go see the doctor.

Sanitize your hands when you shop.

Don’t use other peoples water bottles.

Always keep yourself nice and clean.

Don’t eat other peoples food.

By:Kimiora & Loise
Coronavirus Poem.

Cough on your elbow.
If you are sneezing, get a tissue after you finish, put it in the bin.

Wear a mask if you go outside. 
be kind to everyone

Wash your hands with soap and dry them.

If you are sick go to the Hospital and don't touch a
person and wear a mask when you go to hospital.

Wash your head for 20 seconds,
so you will not get the coronavirus.

By Dani
Coronavirus Poem.

Cough on your elbow.
Stay away from people.

Wash your hands.

Be kind and be safe.

Stay at home.

By Mason
Coronavirus Poem

Wash your hands,
Wear your masks.

Cough in your elbow,
 Not on people. 

Stay home if you feel unwell,
See a doctor as soon if you can.

Stay 2 meters away from people,
Because you wont know if they have the virus.

Help stop the spread,
By using hand sanitizer. 

Stay away when people talk,
Their saliva can cause you worse.

Wash your hands,
Dry your hands

Especially when you come out of the toilet,
Remember not to touch anyones face

Doctors use a PPE to protect themself,
PPE stands for Personal Protective Equipment.

By: Andy & Christian
Coronavirus Poem

Stay home,
Stay well.

See a doctor,
If you're not feeling well.

Stay 2 metres away,
From the spray.

if you think you are sick,
See a doctor right away.

Wash your hands
Before you eat.

Stay away,
From people who are sick.

By: Finau & Boston
COVID - 19 Poems
Stay 2 meters away,
From the spray.

Wash or,
Sanitise your hands.

Wear your mask,
Wear your safety gloves.

Stay home,
Stay well.

See a doctor,
If you're not feeling well.

Stay away from,
People that are not well.

By:Finau & Junior
Coronavirus Poem 

Stay two meters away from people,
So you don’t get the virus.

Wash your hands with soap and water for 20s,  
So you don’t get the virus.

Wear your mask and your gloves,
When you go out.

Take a shower
When you get home.

Wash your hands  after you  go to the toilet.
So you don’t get the virus.

By Radhika & Jocelyn
Coronavirus Poem

Stay safe
In your bubble. 

Stay 2 metres away,
From the people.

This is so you don’t,
Spread the virus. 

Wear a mask, 
When you are outside.

Always wash your hands,
Before you eat. 

Stay at home,
If you're sick. 

Throw your tissue, 
In the bin.

Remember not to touch your face
 If you don't have clean hands .

Remember to sanitise,
Your hands and the surfaces.

Stay happy and healthy,
And stay safe.

By: Faith & Jessica
Coronavirus Poem
It started in Wuhan,
Which is in China.
Many got sick,
Many died.

Stay 2 metres away,
From the spray.
Wash your hands with soap and water 
Remember to wear a face mask 

Wear gloves
Put on hand sanitizer 
After using toilet wash your hands with soap and water,
Don’t forget to dry them.

Don’t touch each other 
Don’t hug each other 

By: Angelina and Jessie
Coronavirus Poem

Stay home,
Stay well.

See a doctor,
If you're not feeling well.

Stay 2 metres away,
From the spray.

if you think you are sick,
See a doctor right away.

Wash your hands
Before you eat.

Stay away,
From people who are sick.

By: Finau & Boston